Local Governments

We have tabled and bookmarked the local jurisdictions and government resources we routinely use in our practice right here on our website. The Walnut Creek East Bay Office Team has valuable relationships with key officials. Access to information and the right people who can explain municipal codes and regulations expands our clients’ capabilities, reduce risk, and facilitate progress. We want our clients to call us for questions; we are happy to relate our experiences and refer them to the right people.

San Ramon

City of San Ramon

Below you’ll find all the resources for the City of San Ramon, click the links for more information.


The zoning ordinance for the city of San Ramon is on file in the city offices. Please refer to the San Ramon City Contacts for information.
Questions about Zoning? Find answers here: Contact Us


Below you’ll find utility resources for Contra Costa County, click the links for more information.

Questions about Zoning? Find answers here: Contact Us

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