New Shadelands Business Park Improvement District

The Shadelands office market sorely needs competitive advantages and we believe this is an important step in improving the area’s marketability. We applaud the property owners for taking action and self funding this improvement district.  See the full Contra Costa Times article here.


Recently sold office property by East Bay Office Team.

The Shadelands is often referred to being locked away from the freeway by eighteen stoplights. Over the years tenants have shown preference to Concord office properties over Shadelands because of the perceived transportation and travel time limitations. Economically these two markets are nearly perfect substitutes with comparable rents and terms.

The proposed express bus service during commute hours will increase transportation options for employees coming to the area.  A dedicated city planner and streamlined permit process will speed up delivery times for properties.


CCCTA Bus Service

Last year the City installed signs creating parking restrictions for overnight parking to keep commercial truckers from parking overnight on the streets; this definitely eases the blight of on street truck and trailer storage. Hopefully the funding will be used for additional directional signage to and inside the business park and future zoning changes to increase the range of approved uses.

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